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A Unified framework for collision risk modelling in support of the manual on airspace planning methodology for the determination of separation minima : (doc 9689)
Materijalni opis : V, 60 str. : graf. prikazi ; 28 cm
UDK broj : 656.7
Report of the high-level meeting on international aviation and climate change, Montréal, 7-9 October 2009
Materijalni opis : V, 44 str. : tabele ; 28 cm
UDK broj : 656.7
Manual of procedures for operations inspection, certification and continued surveillance
Materijalni opis : 1 knj. (razl. pag.) : tabele ; 29 cm
UDK broj : 656.7
Technical instructions for the safe transport of dangerous goods by air
Materijalni opis : 1 knj. (razl. pag.) : ilustr. ; 28 cm
UDK broj : 656.7
Manual on the implementation of ICAO language proficiency requirements
Materijalni opis : 1 knj. (razl. pag.) : tabele ; 29 cm
UDK broj : 656.7
Evaluating the impact of development projects on poverty : a handbook for practitioners
Materijalni opis : VIII, 217 str. : tabele ; 23 cm
UDK broj : 33
The FUTURE of the telecommunications industry : forecasting and demand analysis
Materijalni opis : XIV, 269 str. : graf. prikazi, tabele ; 25 cm
UDK broj : 654
Emergency response guidance for aircraft incidents involving dangerous goods
Materijalni opis : V, 80 str. ; 29 cm
UDK broj : 656.7
Air navigation plan : Caribbean and South American regions. Vol. 2, FASID = Plan de navigation aérienne : régions Caraïbes et Amérique du Sud. Vol. 2, FASID = Plan de navegación aérea : regións del Caribe y de Sudamérica. Vol. 2, FASID
Materijalni opis : 1 knj. (razl. pag.) : graf. prikazi, karte ; 29 c
UDK broj : 656.7
Procedures for air navigation services : air traffic management
Materijalni opis : 1 knj. (razl. pag.) : graf. prikazi ; 29 cm
UDK broj : 656.7