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Odredjivanje najpovoljnijih metoda operativnog upravljanja flotom u recnom saobracaju : doktorska disertacija
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Odredjivanje najpovoljnijih metoda operativnog upravljanja flotom u recnom saobracaju : doktorska disertacija

Zobenica, Radovan D. - Prvi autor
Jovanovic, Mladen M. - Drugi autori
Radmilovic, Zoran R. - Drugi autori
Teodorovic, Dusan B. - Drugi autori
MUSKATIROVIC, Dragutin - Drugi autori
COLIC, Vladeta S. - Mentor
Monografska publ./Monography
[R. Zobenica]
V, 223 lista : graf. prikazi ; 30 cm
Umnozeno za odbranu. - Univerzitet u Beogradu, Saobracajni fakultet, odbranjeno 11.07.1996. - Bibliografija: list 218-223. - Rezime ; Summary: Determination of optimal methods for on line fleet control in river traffic ; Резюме: Определение самых выгодных методов оперативного управления флотом в речном транспорте.
The doctoral dissertation nas 218 pages including the introduction, sixth sections and conclusions. This dissertation is consisted by the total 52 tables (46 original and 6 else's tables), the total 106 figures (86 original and 20 else's figures), the total 7 graphs (4 original and 3 else's graphs), and also the references with 74 units.The main topic of doctoral dissertation includes the determination of optimal methods of current and on line fleet control in river traffic.The aim of investigation and basic concept are presented in the introduction of doctoral dissertation.In first section, all characteristics of cargo flows, techno-economic characteristics of transportation means, the characteristics of ships' and tows' flows, and basic assumptions of transport processes in river traffic are presented.The basic methodology of correspondence between the transportation means and the cargo flows in the river traffic is considered in second section.The third section contains the methods of optimal scheduling of ships or barge tows in transportation networks. In this section applied methods are the methods of linear programming, multicriteria simplex programming, goal programming, fractional programming, stochastic programming, dynamic transportation problem and fuzzy linear programming.In fourth section, all project elements of transportation plan for fleet model and basic parameters of transportation processes in river traffic are presented.The fifth section consists all systematic factors which related with the deviations in performing of project fleet plan within the river traffic.In the sixth section, some original methods of current fleet control are considered in the river traffic to the transportation of raw materials (gravel, crude oil, etc.). In this section applied methods are the methods of game theory and fuzzy logic.In the conclusions, the significance of performed investigations and basic results which realized in this doctoral dissertation are particularly emphasized.