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Found 7 from your keywords: Subject : "Transportation"
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ADVANCED methods in transportation analysis

Autor(i) : TRIENNAL Symposium on Transportation Analysis - Bianco, Lucio - Toth, Paolo - TRISTAN -
Materijalni opis : XV, 619 str. : ilustr. ; 25 cm
UDK broj : 65.012.122

EQUILIBRIUM and advanced transportation modelling

Autor(i) : Crainic, Teodor Gabriel - Marcotte, Patrice - Nguyen, Sang - Centre for research on transportation (Montreal) -
Materijalni opis : XVI, 325 str. : graf. prikazi ; 25 cm
UDK broj : 65.012.122

Transportation network analysis

Autor(i) : Bell, Michael G.H. - Iida, Yasunori -
Materijalni opis : IX, 216 str. : graf. prikazi ; 25 cm
UDK broj : 65.012.122

Public transportation and land use policy

Autor(i) : PUSKAREV, Boris Sergeevic - Pushkarev, B.S. - Zupan, Jeffrey M. - Regional Plan Association -
Materijalni opis : IX, 242 str. : ilustr. ; 29 cm
UDK broj : 656.4

Transportation economics : theory and practice : a case study approach

Autor(i) : MCCARTHY, Patrick S. -
Materijalni opis : XV, 620 str. : graf. prikazi ; 25 cm
UDK broj : 656:33