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Annex 10 to the convention on international civil aviation : aeronautical telecommunications. Vol. 5, Aeronautical radio frequency spectrum utilization
Materijalni opis : 1 knj. (razl. pag.) : graf. prikazi, tabele ; 29
UDK broj : 656.7

Annex 10 to the convention on international civil aviation : aeronautical telecommunications. Vol. 2, Communication procedures including those with PANS status
Materijalni opis : 1 knj. (razl. pag.) : tabele ; 29 cm
UDK broj : 656.7

Annex 10 to the convention on international civil aviation : aeronautical telecommunications. Vol. 1, Radio navigation aids
Materijalni opis : 1 knj. (razl. pag.) : graf. prikazi, tabele ; 29
UDK broj : 656.7