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Railway Engineering
In this second edition, the author situates the rail mode in the transport market and addresses the vital issues that are decisive for the future of the rail mode in this market, for example, the structural organization of the stakeholders in the rail transport market, accompanied by examples of how the market dictates the choices made, as well as how there must be areas in the market where co-operation prevails and others where competition holds away in order to optimize overall socio-economic returns. Futhermore, this second edition explores the fundamental issues of external effects. The book is intended for the use of railway engineers, consulting engineers and students of engineering, and aims to provide a concise and useful synopsis of railway technology and scientific analyses that they will need in their daily scientific work or during studies. Each chapter contains a concise theoretical analysis of the phenomena studied and applications, charts and design of the specific railway component. In this way, both the requirement for a theoretical analysis of phenomena is met, and the need of the engineer for tables, nomograms and regulations is satisfied. The book contains the civil engineering aspects of railways.
Profillidis, Vassilios A. - Drugi autori
2nd ed
Monografska publ./Monography
Aldershot (USA)[etc.]
XX, 291 str. : ilustr. ; 25 cm