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Found 11905 from your keywords: Author : "T"
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Design and Construction of Reinforced Concrete Bridges
Materijalni opis : X, 515 str., 23 presavijena lista : ilustr. ; 25
UDK broj : 624
Hydraulics and the Mechanics of Fluids : A Textbook covering the Syllabuses of the B.Sc. (Eng.), Inst.C.E., and I.Mech.E. examinations in this subject
Materijalni opis : X, 630 str., [3] presavijena lista : ilustr. ; 22
UDK broj : 532
Relaxation Methods in Engineering Science : A Treatise on Approximate Computation
Materijalni opis : VI, 252 str., [2] presavijena lista : graf. prika
UDK broj : 62
An Introduction to Railway Engineering : A Short Textbook of the Theory and Practice of Railway Surveying, Construction and Signalling for the Use of Students and Civil Engineers
Materijalni opis : XIV, 200 str. : graf. prikazi ; 23 cm
UDK broj : 625.1
Structural steelwork : for building and architectural students
Materijalni opis : XIV, 362 str., [8] listova, [8] presavijenih listo
UDK broj : 624
Soil mechanics in engineering practice
Materijalni opis : XVIII, 566 str. : ilustr. ; 24 cm
UDK broj : 624
Composition and Properties of Concrete
Materijalni opis : XIV, 434 str. : ilustr. ; 24 cm
UDK broj : 624
The EXPLODING Metropolis : the editors of fortune[A study of the sssault on urbanism and how our cities can resist it]
Materijalni opis : 177, [31] str. : ilustr. ; 18 cm
UDK broj : 711.4:316