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Found 22 from your keywords: Author : "ROUND table on transport economics"
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Report of the Seventieth Round Table on Transport Economics, Held in Paris on 10th-11th January 1985 on the following topic: Foreseable Cost Trends in Different Modes of Freight Transport
Materijalni opis : 123. str. ; 23 cm
UDK broj : 656.01
Report of the sixty-ninth round table on transport economics, held in Paris on 6th-7th December 1984 on following topic: Changes in transport users' motivations for modal choicefreight transport
Materijalni opis : 108 str. : ilustr. ; 23 cm
UDK broj : 656.01
Rapport de la vingt-cinquieme table ronde d'economie des transports, tenue a Paris, les 14 et 15 mars 1974 sur le theme: Impact des investissements infrastructurels sur le developpement industriel
Materijalni opis : 69 str. : graf. prikazi ; 24 cm
UDK broj : 33
Report of the Sixty-First Round Table on Transport Economics, Held in Paris on 15th-16th December 1983 on the following topic: Goods Distribution Systems in Urban Areas
Materijalni opis : 80 str. ; 23 cm
UDK broj : 656.01
Report of the Forty-fourth Round Table on Transport Economics, Held in Paris on 7th and 8th December 1978 on following topic: Holiday Traffic
Materijalni opis : 55 str. ; 24 cm
UDK broj : 656.01
Report of the Twenty-fifth Round Table on Transport Economics held in Paris, on 14th and 15th March 1974 on the following topic: Impact of Infrastructural Investment on Industrial Development
Materijalni opis : 63 str. : graf. prikazi ; 24 cm
UDK broj : 33
Report of the Thirty-Seventh Round Table on Transport Economics, Held in Paris on 24th and 25th February, 1977 on the following topic: Costs and Benefits of General Speed Limits : (maximum and minimum speeds)
Materijalni opis : 94 str. : graf. prikazi ; 24 cm
UDK broj : 656.1:343
Rapport de la vingtieme table ronde d'economie des transports, tenue a Paris, les 30 novembre et 1 decembre 1972 sur le theme: Demande de transport de marchandisesresultats pratiques des etudes sur le fonctionnement du marche
Materijalni opis : 90 str. : graf. prikazi ; 24 cm
UDK broj : 656.13