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Found 269 from your keywords: Subject : "Vazdusni saobracaj"
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Location indicators = Indicateurs d'emplacement = Indicadores de lugar = Указатели (индексы) местоположения
Materijalni opis : VIII, 232 str. sa razl. pag., [1] presavijen list
UDK broj : 656.7

Emergency response guidance for aircraft incidents involving dangerous goods
Materijalni opis : V, 82 str. ; 29 cm
UDK broj : 656.7

OPERATIONS research in the airline industry
Materijalni opis : XVII, 473 str. : graf. prikazi ; 25 cm
UDK broj : 65.012.122:656.7
NONLINEAR problems in aviation and aerospace
Materijalni opis : XIX, 379 str. : graf. prikazi ; 26 cm
UDK broj : 656.7:65.012.122
Annex 6 to the convention on international civil aviation : operation of aircraft. Part 3, International operations - helicopters
Materijalni opis : 1 knj. (razl. pag.) : graf. prikazi ; 29 cm
UDK broj : 656.7
Annex 6 to the convention on international civil aviation : operation of aircraft. Part 1, International commercial air transport - aeroplanes
Materijalni opis : 1 knj. (razl. pag.) ; 29 cm
UDK broj : 656.7
Annex 3 to the convention on international civil aviation : meteorological service for international air navigation. Part 1, Core SARPs. Part 2, Appendices and attachments
Materijalni opis : 1 knj. (razl. pag.) : graf. prikazi, tabele ; 29 c
UDK broj : 656.7
Quality assurance manual for flight procedure design. Vol. 3, Flight procedure design software validation
Materijalni opis : 1 knj. (razl. pag.) : graf. prikazi, tabele ; 29
UDK broj : 656.7
Machine readable travel document. Part 3, Machine readable official travel documents. Vol. 2, Specifications for electronically enabled MRtds with biometric identification capability
Materijalni opis : 1 knj. (razl. pag.) : ilustr. ; 29 cm
UDK broj : 656.7
Machine readable travel document. Part 3, Machine readable official travel documents. Vol. 1, MRtds with machine readable data stored in optical character recognition format
Materijalni opis : 1 knj. (razl. pag.) : ilustr. ; 29 cm
UDK broj : 656.7