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Found 2 from your keywords: Author : "Hall, William A."
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HUMAN Factors in the Design of Highway Transport Equipment : A Summary Report of Vehicle Evaluation

Autor(i) : McFarland, Ross A. - Dunlap, Jack W. - Hall, William A. - Moseley, Alfred L. -
Materijalni opis : 44 str. : graf. prikazi ; 28 cm
UDK broj : 331.101.1

HUMAN Body Size and Capabilities in the Design and Operation of Vehicular Equipment

Autor(i) : McFarland, Ross A. - Dunlap, Jack W. - Hall, William A. - Moseley, Alfred L. - Damon, Albert - Stoudt, Howard W. -
Materijalni opis : XIV, 239 str. : ilustr. ; 28 cm
UDK broj : 331.101.1