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Found 3 from your keywords: Author : "Goldwin, Robert A."
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REPRESENTATION and misrepresentation : legislative reapportionment in theory and practice

Autor(i) : Goldwin, Robert A. - Pritchett, C. Herman -
Materijalni opis : 189 str. : graf. prikazi ; 21 cm
UDK broj : 34

A NATION of states : essays on the American federal system

Autor(i) : Goldwin, Robert A. - Grodzins, Morton -
Materijalni opis : XII, 148 str. ; 22 cm
UDK broj : 34

A NATION of Cities : essays on America's urban problemsa message by president Johnson and essays

Autor(i) : Wilson, James Q. - Goldwin, Robert A. -
Materijalni opis : 128 str. ; 21 cm
UDK broj : 711.4